5 Stylish A-Line Retro Rockabilly Dresses Typically, the rockabilly style is 60% pin-up and 40% rock from the 50’s. So we bring out the polka-dot dresses, fringes, glamorous red lipstick, updo’s, and we embellish it all with gold or silver straps, nails, and accessories. In other words, we mix glamor with rock n roll to create truly original and trendy looks. The retro look is classic, but also sexy .
If you are looking for retro, rockabilly, 1950’s vintage inspired clothing and accessories in Australia check out the range at Leopard and Lace! Whether you are after a ‘new look’ or ‘retro’ is already your style there are some beautiful dresses, skirts, petticoats, cardigans and accessories in our online store. Our A line dresses come in a variety of styles which of course include classic polka dots or floral .